Friday, August 26, 2011

The Mortician's Daughter

Growing up the daughter of a mortician is an interesting upbringing. I saw my first dead body at age 5. Dead bodies just weren't a big deal to me. I would often go to work with my dad and watch him work (embalm bodies). My dad was very funny and strange, and so were the other morticians.  I guess you would have to be, to be in that business. Being there was always a lot of fun. When I was really little they would all let me try out all of the coffins and lay in them. That is really sort of creepy if I think back about it.

There were some things that happened that were a bit odd though...for example, I remember one time my dad bringing home some white sneakers with flecks of blood on them. A woman was wearing them when she was hit by a car and died. My dad thought I would like the shoes. He said to me, "Mom can get the blood right out of those..."

One other time he brought home a pair of grey sweatpants. He held them up to me and said "Looks like they'll fit." Turns out they were worn on a teenaged boy who hung himself in his parents' basement. Those grey sweatpants sat folded on a table in the laundry room for 2 years because no one wanted to touch them. My point is, what totally freaks out a normal person, is an every day sort of occurrence to a know, perfectly good clothes that shouldn't go to waste. Ewwwww!

I remember one of my first dates with my boyfriend at the time, who is now my husband, was spent at the mortuary. We were hanging out there while my dad worked and embalmed bodies. We were playing cards and there was a ROW of feet in front of us - dead bodies waiting for their turn in the embalming room. My dad even let me put makeup on a corpse that night. It was creepy doing her nails and putting on her makeup - she was stiff, like a doll, not human... My dad was a big jokester and would have a blast at work while he worked on the bodies. But, then the phone would ring and he would immediately become another person because the person on the other end of the line was most likely someone who had a family member just die and need someone to come pick it up. So, he would immediately switch from the jokester to a sincere, soft spoken and caring man. It really was amazing to a light switch.

One other time I was clearing out the garage of my parents' home and I found an actual body...ok not a real body, but a cremated one! I found the ashes of someone in a box with their name and dates of birth and death. It had been there since the 1970's. I asked my dad about it and he said he must have put it on the shelf for some reason and forgot about it. He said that a lot of people would not pick up ashes of loved ones, or that person didn't have relatives, and so those ashes would just sit on a shelf in the mortuatry forever. How sad. He must have had it in his hearse and then set it on the shelf for some reason. So anyway, that "body" was returned to the mortuary, and there she will sit for probably, eternity.

I'm trying to think of more interesting stories and I realized there are just too many and this blog could go on forever. It certainly was an interesting childhood growing up the daughter of a mortician. Have you ever seen My Girl (the movie)? I always loved that movie because it reminded me of my life.  So anyway, maybe I will share more stories someday about being the Mortician's Daughter. I even wanted to be a mortician when I grew up but then I realized how hard Science and Chemistry are and I said FORGET THAT SH*T! :-)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Why I'm Obsessed with Casey Anthony

Anyone who even knows me a little bit, knows I'm obsessed with the Casey Anthony case. This isn't the first case I have been obsessed with. But I'm not obsessed with every case. I have noticed that there has to be a personal trigger to the case, a common ground, something I can relate to.

The first case I became obsessed with was Jacob Wetterling. Jacob was only 3 years younger than me. He was from my state (Minnesota) - I can still remember watching all about him on the news. I was in 8th grade. It terrified me to my very core. I remember that our school held a "stranger danger" informational meeting after he disappeared. To me, his disappearance changed my entire world. I was scared to go anywhere and I thought everyone was going to take me. I no longer felt safe in my neighborhood. I don't know why it hit me so hard, I just felt so sorry for him and wondered where he was or if he was dead. I just couldn't let it go. I still can't, really, but I have learned to put it behind me. They are pretty sure they know who took him, the son of a couple at that very house where he was taken. At the time, the kidnapper/murderer would have been in his 30's and now he is in his 50's...they just can't tie him to the case. It's been too long. They even dug up that yard just last year but found nothing. Jacob was 11 when he was abducted. He would be 33 today (if he is still alive, which is doubtful).

The 2nd case I became obsessed with was the OJ Simpson case. I didn't really have a personal connection to that case, but let's face it, a lot of people were obsessed with it. Here was a famous athlete and actor who MURDERED his wife and her friend and got away with it. It was just unreal. I was obsessed from day one with his long car chase. It was just ridiculous from the beginning. I'm just sad that it took 13 years for karma to catch up to him. Sadly, his girlfriend for those 13 years after the murder, went to my high school. I didn't know her that well personally but I did know of her (it was a small high school - only 321 people and she was 1 grade ahead of me). She now thinks he is a murderer. I can't believe she was blinded by him for so long. Let me tell you, don't ever google photos of the murder scene, as I did, because those images are planted in my brain and will forever haunt me.

The third case I became obsessed with was the Scott Peterson case. His beautiful wife Laci was the same age as me. She was 5 months older than me. The unborn child she was carrying was only 7 months younger than my daughter (well he would have been). My daughter was 5 months old when Laci was murdered. I guess that is why I felt such a connection to her. She and I both were the same age, she was about to have a baby and I just did, we both had cute husbands, a nice home, a dog...our lives could have been the same. I could have been her. She could have been any of us. No one saw this coming. No one knew Scott was a psychopath. It was just so unfathomable to me that he could do something like that to his wife, the mother of his unborn child. I think of her often and I didn't even know her.  I am so glad Scott is on death row and rotting in jail. It sickens me, however, that he is probably happy in jail and has friends. What a waste of human skin.  I read the book Laci's mom wrote <For Laci: A Mother's Story of Love, Loss, and Justice by Sharon Rocha> (anyone should read it) and it was amazing. She said that it wasn't until 2 weeks after Laci's murder that she found the roast in the oven that they were going to have that Xmas eve for dinner. That really stood out in my mind. Just so eerie, so creepy. She also had a very vivid dream of Laci long after her death and in it, Laci asked why Scott would kill her. I wonder if dreams really can be visits with those who have passed on....

Then there is the Casey Anthony story...I know so many people are obsessed with this case but for me it is personal. Caylee and my son were the same age. She was 4 months older than my son. And, her body was found on my son's actual 3rd birthday. Like so many others, I just can't believe it happened and that she could lose all of the love she had for her daughter, kill her and throw her away like that and think nothing of it. She, like Scott Peterson, was a pathological liar and is a psychopath. (Much like Ted Bundy). I truly believe she did love Caylee at one time but then became so disconnected from her, so disassociated from her own daughter and blinded by the lust/love she had for Tony. It sickens me and I wish Caylee was mine. I treat all 3 of my kids so much better (not that I didn't before) because of Caylee. I think of her a lot and it just makes me want to love my kids even more (if that is even possible). I try to be the best mom I can be on a daily basis and whenever I feel frustrated as a parent, I do think of Caylee and how little she was loved by her own mother in the days/weeks/months before she was killed. Oh how I wish she was mine. I love my kids so much, they are my entire life. I just want them to always be happy and feel love and comfort every single day...something Caylee will never have on earth again. Heck, my daughters' gerbils had longer more loving lives than she did. How very, truly sad.

Another thing that the last 3 cases have in common is denial. OJ, Scott, Casey, they were all so CLEARLY guilty yet deny almost ANY involvement and ANY wrong-doing. It is just unbelievable to me. I wish someone could just get through to them. But, I have read that pathological liars can lie so much that they even begin to believe their own they might ACTUALLY believe they are INNOCENT. They might truly and actually believe that. The mind is a very mystical thing.

So there you have obsession with trials. I wonder what the next case will be that I will become obsessed with and I wonder what connection I will have to it, to make me cling on...and never want to let it go...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Bipolar Dad

Today is my dad's birthday. My dad is a complicated subject. Growing up we always thought he was an alcoholic. But he didn't always drink. He would do this in spurts - months at a time, or days, or weeks, but then he could go just the same amount of time and not drink. Socially he was always fine, could drink normally, it was at home, alone that problems would arise. It wasn't the best childhood because of him. But my mom tried to shade us from that a lot. It wasn't until only 2 years ago that we discovered he is Bipolar and has been for most of his adult life.

My dad was a mortician. I will get into that later (another blog all together) he was such a funny guy, very social and fun. But he would have very dark moments at home, drinking binges, yelling and shoving and screaming at his family members. No one on the outside would ever believe he could act that way because everyone on the outside just thought of him as so funny and social and outspoken. But suddenly it all came to a head a couple of Aprils ago when he suddenly "quit" his job when he would have been retiring that November. It turns out they asked him to resign because he was acting "inappropriately" with clients and co-workers. They even got a 2 year restraining order on him after he mentioned in his 6 page "retirement" letter that his lawyers were "Smith and Wesson" (guns).

It was crazy how it all went down. He started acting strange, very out of character. This all went down shortly after Britney Spears had her mental meltdown. It turns out she is bipolar too. He acted much like her. My dad spent $45,000 on gold coins, he spent $1,500 at a little card gift shop down the street, he started acting VERY hyper to the point that people commented on it and asked what we were feeding him. When my mom ended up in the hospital with an anxiety attack and I was eating with my dad in the lunchroom, that is when I really noticed his embarrassing behavior. He was always embarrassing but this was up and beyond anything I had ever seen before. He asked 2 nurses if he could finish their meatloaf if they were done, he talked to everyone that walked by. He went up to a guy in a UofM baseball hat and asked him if he knew me (cuz I went to the UofM 10 years ago). He also tried to tell a sexual joke to two old ladies in the giftshop. It was just unreal. We didn't know what his deal was.

Eventually we called for psychiatric help and got him committed. (That was not as easy as it sounds). He was put on a hold (much like Britney Spears) and spent 12 days in psychiatric lockdown. That is when the doctors diagnosed him as Bipolar. He was on a manic episode. I didn't know anything about this disorder, but I was learning fast. He had no control over what he was doing. It's just a really frustrating (yet interesting) disorder. The brain just takes over and you are not even aware of what you are doing. As they say "the mentally ill are always the last to know that they have a mental illness"

After he got out we had to put him on a "monetary diet". He had to come to me for money and he would get stickers if he didn't spend a certain amount, then in turn could get a bonus. It was ridiculous. That soon faded and he was back to his depressive stage (where he is now). When he was manic though, he did have STRANGE thinking. When you are manic you have "grandiose ideas." A great example of this is my dad said he was going to travel to every state and get a salt and pepper shaker in the shape of each state. Um, ok, why? That is what I'd like to know. As I mentioned, he is now back in a depressive state and has gone off all of his meds.

We are keeping an eye on him and wish he would stay on them but he refuses. He has better days and even read a book that I bought him the other day, and watched a movie! But he loves his chair and rarely leaves it. He also has Parkinson's Disease which was brought on by the Bipolar. These disorders are just strange, to say the least. No one knows what causes Bipolar. It is hereditary only 15% of the time. Most of the time it is brought on by "environmental factors" (ie. maybe his career as a mortician...) I wonder how many morticians eventually have Bipolar disorder...?

Anyway, I'm tired of talking about this as it brings me down. Maybe I will talk about it more another day. And happy birthday to my dad who I will always be there for, who I will always support and who I understand a little better now that I know what he is battling and facing...every single day.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why Cows, you ask?

Why do I love cows? Mooooo, let me count the ways. Actually, I'm not really sure why. Why not? Ok seriously, it probably all began when I was a kid. We would often spend entire days at my Grandparent's farm in Wisconsin. Let's face it, there isn't much to do on a farm. So, I would sit by the cows and watch them for hours.

I loved how they were kinda ugly, but so ugly they were cute, you know kind of like a Pug or Bulldog. I also liked the way they Moooooo'd. It was so low and comforting. I liked the way they watched me from a distance, turning away to eat grass but then keeping an eye on me, chewing their cud, wondering what I wanted, why I was there, what I was. I also liked the way they moved, so slowly, so peacefully, like they had all the time in the world. No where to be, but right here...eating grass and enjoying the sunshine.

Sometimes they would lay down and flick their tails at the flies or flick their ears. Sometimes they would nudge each other or comfort their baby calves. Some would watch out for each other and some would pick on each other. They would communicate, you could tell. I always wanted to know what they were saying.

When my Uncle or Grandpa would come in to feed them, they would just shove the cows out of the way. The cows didn't care, they knew them well. They seemed a bit annoyed at the shove but then became so excited that they were about to eat. Sometimes I would feed them corn on the cob. They would stick their tongues out really far to grab it from me. They didn't want to get too close. They also have big huge beautiful eyes with long long lashes.

So in essence, I really love everything about cows - the way they look, the way they move, the way they sound. They are a very peaceful animal. Everyone should spend an hour in a field, chewing on a piece of grass, lying there with the cows. That is true peace in this world.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Full One

So I talked about my 2 half siblings, so it's only fair I make a blog about my full one. My sister is 3 1/2 years older than me. We are polar opposites! I mean entirely.

She is tall and really thin, like Ally McBeal skinny. I am shorter and average weight. Our hair is both dark brown (mine is darker) but our faces are not alike (at least I don't think so). She was a ballerina growing up, I was into sports (gymnastics, softball and swimming). She is VERY clean. I am VERY messy. She is OCD - to the tee. Everything in it's place, everything dusted, beds made, etc. I am polar opposite of that. I HATE order. I HATE routine and rules. My house is messy cuz I don't like to clean. Don't get me wrong, I love a clean house and wish it would stay that way, but with myself, my hubby, 3 kids and a dog, it doesn't stay clean for long, and I'm not about to spend all day every day keeping it orderly when I would rather play with my kids, watch tv, or just SIT on the couch :)

And, I don't really understand how we can be so opposite when we both had the same exact upbringing. My mom is a pack rat so I got that from her. But I'm even messier than she was. My sister's room was always clean. She obsessed about her room but knew the rest of the house was a lost cause, except for ONE chair. The ONE chair in the living room had to have a STRAIGHT blanket on it and I would mess up that blanket just to bug her, almost every day. HA!

Before we all (my friends, my sister and I) had kids, we would go to parties at each other's houses on the weekends. We all loved going to my sister's house because we could mess with her. She had a bench in the front area of her home and she would measure it out by straightness by placing 2 fingers between the bench and the wall on either side. So we would always bring it out just slightly on one side. We would turn her ballerina nicknacks around on the shelf so some were facing the back or the side. We would tilt pictures on the wall or tilt pillows on her couch. Then, the game was to see how long she noticed everything we had done. It never took more than 5 minutes. CRAZY! One time at Christmas time she had a big party and there was a Christmas tree with TONS of presents underneath it. My friend came over and placed a tiny gift in the pile (it was not bigger than 3 inches). A few minutes later my sister came into the room and said, "Oh, who brought me a present?" JUST INSANE I TELL YOU!

So, yeah, that is my sister in a nutshell. She is very OCD and orderly. She is a different mom than me too. Her kids are never dirty and pick up their toys every night. They like coming to my house and they love eating on my bed because at home they are only allowed to eat at the table. It's funny to me. My nephew will say to people, "My Auntie Cris, she has NO rules!" HAHAHA!

I guess I figure life is too short to worry about the small stuff. So...come over, eat on my bed and get crumbs all over, I couldn't care less! :-)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Halfises Part 2: The Poor Life of W

OK…yesterday I talked about my half brother on my dad’s side. Today I will talk about my half sister on my mom’s side. This story will take a bit longer to tell. My mom was first married to a man named Morris. The reason I’m sharing his name is because the name is just hilarious. I used to have a t-shirt with Morris the cat on it, and whenever I wore it, it would make me think of my mom’s first husband. He is dead now. My mom found out a few years ago that he had been dead awhile and she said, “Oh.” It was so weird to me that she was once married and in love with this man, and had a child with him and then years and a life-time later she didn’t even know if he was alive or dead. Together they had a daughter I will call W. All I know about Morris is that he was a “liar” and she never really loved him. Fair enough.

Then she married another guy who I will call E. All I know about E is that she was only married to him for a few months, he was an alcoholic, and then he died. Hmmm. Ok. Kind of odd. We only found out about him after scrounging through drawers one night that my sister was babysitting me. We came across a photo of my mom in a newspaper with a really weird last name that we didn’t recognize. Then we confronted her about it. That’s when she seemed upset and told us the shortened version of their “marriage.”

So then my mom married my dad. My mom’s daughter, W, wanted to finish up high school with my mom’s mom (Grandma). So my mom and dad moved to the cities and W stayed on the farm with Grandma. Apparently, my mom and W never got along very well. This is hard for me to understand since my mom and I are very close.

When W was 16 she went to a picnic with friends, on her horse. Her horse’s name was Peanut. Well one of her drunken friends wanted to ride Peanut but he scared the horse and the horse took off running. W hitched a ride with friends in a car to go find her horse. The seen they came upon mere minutes later was one that I can only imagine as “horrific.” Her horse had been hit by a truck and died on the side of the road. The driver of the truck was rushed to a hospital with injuries unknown. W and a few friends decided to go to the hospital to see if the driver would be ok.  It turns out he would live.

On their way home from the hospital, the driver of the car W was in had been drinking too, and he hit another car head on. Both drivers were killed instantly. Is this day bad or what? W was thrown from the car but lived. The others in the car survived as well. But maybe W would have been better off if she had died that day too. She has severe brain damage. She was in a coma for 3 months. They didn’t even set her broken leg because they didn’t expect her to live, so one leg is 3 inches shorter then the other. Her long-term memory is in tact but she basically doesn’t have a short-term memory.

I only see her about once a year when my mom and I go to the “home” she lives in and bring her birthday presents in November. She smells. She doesn’t brush her teeth (and god knows why no one else there does) so they are rotten. My mom tells them over and over to get her teeth fixed but she has little control now that W is a ward of the state. W keeps rotten apples in her purse and offers you gum that appears to be 3 years old, that snaps when you accept it. The thing that is hard is that W doesn’t even remember we were there. That is, I think, why the visits from my mom have dwindled down to once per year. 

W will still talk about the dog my mom had when W was little, or she will talk about Gramma and Grampa like they aren’t dead. She just doesn’t have a clue. And, it’s really sad. I think a lot about “what could have been.” She was so beautiful as a teen, with long straight brown hair. She was a VERY talented artist and she taught herself how to play the guitar fluently. I like to think she and my sister and I would all be sort of close. She would probably be married with kids of her own and those little “ghost children who will never come to be” would be so cute and fun and full of life. 

There have been some crazy stories about her over the years. She had a “boyfriend” at one time who was basically a pedofile criminal who kidnapped her from her “handicap home”. They ran off and got married and she was eventually found living with him in a van with 3 cats. He was obviously arrested. Anyway, it’s just a sad life full of so many “what ifs” and I try not to think about her too often. She is in her late 50’s now.

I still have a few boxes full of her things from high school: a diary with typical teenage rumors and gossip, a bunch of horse riding ribbons, goddy jewelry that she loved, yearbooks, photos of her dad, photos of her as a baby, a toddler, a child, and a teen…a life that was never really lived, all stored in 3 boxes in my basement. Oh, W, how your life could have been…so very beautiful.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Halfsies Part 1: Dysfunction with L

Yesterday in my first post I mentioned that I have 2 half siblings. Well it’s sort of a strange story. I will start with my dad’s side. My dad was married once before to a lady I will call P. He had a son who I will call L. Then he and P divorced when L was 3. From what I have heard, P married a new guy soon after and wanted to move to Arizona. They asked my dad for permission and though he didn’t want them to move, he relented.

The new guy adopted L. I don’t think I could let someone do this. I would have fought more. But for whatever reason, that is how it went down. According to my mom, they sent letters to L, but P never showed them to him. He grew up not knowing his dad. And sadly enough, his new father by adoption, left him and P shortly thereafter, so he grew up with a last name of someone he didn’t even know.

Needless to say, I finally got to meet my half brother, but not until I was 14, and it was his wedding day. It was strange meeting my “brother” who was in his 20’s or 30’s by this time. I got to watch him hug my dad (his dad) for the first time since he was 3.

He lives in Texas now and I don’t know him very well. I am friends with his wife and kids on facebook so we share things once in awhile. Their family came to my wedding and both of my sister’s weddings (she was married twice). He is an anesthesiologist, so very smart and very busy. Our family went down to visit him for a week when I was in college. When we were together he would call our dad “your dad.” He would say, “Your dad said this, or did this.” (even though he is his dad too…just kind of awkward and weird.)

The thing is that growing up, I always wanted a brother. I had my sister and we got along well enough but I always wanted a bigger family. So, I made up a brother named Julian. I even drew what Julian looked like. He had longer curly black hair. He was tall and lanky. He would play the drums and then I would yell at him "Be Quiet, Julian!" (see I told you I was kind of strange). So yeah, Julian was my pretend brother. And, when I found out I had a real brother somewhere, I dreamed of the day I could meet him. But though he is my brother by blood, I don't really know him as a person, and that is a bit sad. It is what it is I guess.

Then there is my mom’s side. You know what? I think that should be a whole blog post of it’s own because the story is so long and sad and strange and I have to think of how to say it… Until next time!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My first blog!

So you would think I would have a blog by now, but I don't. Well now I do, I guess. Since I am a writer and writing comes easy for me and I do actually enjoy it, it is surprising that I don't have a blog. Well I do now I guess. I really don't know what I will talk about here or if I will keep up on it but I hope that I do. So what should my first post be about? Where do I begin? From the beginning? The middle? The present? hmmmmmm.

The beginning...I was born in 1975. So I guess that makes me...well, kinda old (35). But I don't feel old. I still feel like I'm 25. I have one "full" sister. She is almost 4 years older than me. I call her full cuz I have a couple of "halfsies." My mom and dad were both married before. They each have one kid. Their kids are both super old. By super old I mean like 40's and 50's. They could be my parents. Well maybe not. But they are still old. I didn't grow up with them. I hardly know them. I guess details about them can come up in a later blog.

I grew up in a cute little suburb in Minneapolis. And I still live there. I love it. I don't want to be anywhere else. It's so nice and has a small town feel even though it is very near the big Twin Cities area. My upbringing was pretty normal. My parents didn't have the greatest marriage but that, I realize now, has to do with the fact that my dad had bipolar much of his adult life. The thing is, we didn't discover this until about 2 years ago. We always just thought he was an alcoholic. Boy were we wrong.

I guess I'm sharing a lot on my first blog. But I will share a lot more and go into more detail in posts to come, about everything I mentioned above. I am now married to my highschool sweetheart. We have 3 kids. I am a graphic designer. I love animals. I love cheese. I really like to sneeze. I'm kinda weird. I think this is enough for the day. I hope you will enjoy reading about my life, my views, and anything else I decide to share here because this, after JUST ME.