Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why Cows, you ask?

Why do I love cows? Mooooo, let me count the ways. Actually, I'm not really sure why. Why not? Ok seriously, it probably all began when I was a kid. We would often spend entire days at my Grandparent's farm in Wisconsin. Let's face it, there isn't much to do on a farm. So, I would sit by the cows and watch them for hours.

I loved how they were kinda ugly, but so ugly they were cute, you know kind of like a Pug or Bulldog. I also liked the way they Moooooo'd. It was so low and comforting. I liked the way they watched me from a distance, turning away to eat grass but then keeping an eye on me, chewing their cud, wondering what I wanted, why I was there, what I was. I also liked the way they moved, so slowly, so peacefully, like they had all the time in the world. No where to be, but right here...eating grass and enjoying the sunshine.

Sometimes they would lay down and flick their tails at the flies or flick their ears. Sometimes they would nudge each other or comfort their baby calves. Some would watch out for each other and some would pick on each other. They would communicate, you could tell. I always wanted to know what they were saying.

When my Uncle or Grandpa would come in to feed them, they would just shove the cows out of the way. The cows didn't care, they knew them well. They seemed a bit annoyed at the shove but then became so excited that they were about to eat. Sometimes I would feed them corn on the cob. They would stick their tongues out really far to grab it from me. They didn't want to get too close. They also have big huge beautiful eyes with long long lashes.

So in essence, I really love everything about cows - the way they look, the way they move, the way they sound. They are a very peaceful animal. Everyone should spend an hour in a field, chewing on a piece of grass, lying there with the cows. That is true peace in this world.

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